Burton Dye
Burton Dye lives near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, where
he was born in 1947. He studied art at Watkin's Institute in Nashville.
It was from this training
plus much study and work on his own that he developed his detailed
technique in watercolor and oil. This realistic style is influenced
by his conviction that the splendor of nature is artistry at its
best. He not only paints scenes from his area, but enjoys traveling
in search of new ideas. Trips to England, Scotland, Nova Scotia,
and various American locales have produced subjects for paintings
and prints.
watercolors have been selected for exhibition in many regional
and national shows, including the Allied Artists of America show
in New York City. His watercolor "Fresh Strawberries"
won 1st place at the 1985 Tennessee All-State Exhibit. It is now
a permanent part of the Tennessee All-State Collection. His prints
are sold by galleries throughout the United States and in Canada.